Thursday, July 27, 2006

How Narrow is the WORLD?!


That's what I learn in Moral Education recently with Uncle LAN.

But the story here is about the current war between Israel and Palestine where Palestine is holding TWO Israel soldiers.

Israel threaten Palestine to a war if they do not free their soldiers but Palestine dared them back to start a war. Hence, the bombing on Palestine has started recently just because...of TWO soldiers.

To me, it's clearly a political issue although this two country have been fighting since I was drinking my mom's milk. This current issue has nothing got to do with's not that they've burn a mosque or church...the issue here is the TWO soldiers that cause the war.

So why the world is looking at it as if it's religious or other bullcrap? People who think like that are stupid uneducated hot air!!!

By the way, lets pray that the UN peace workers gets to carry out their duty safely. Not to forget the war victims who have lost so much...pray that heal fast without trauma.



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